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My Personal Weight Loss Journey: The 70/30 Rule, Genetics, and Finding What Works for Me

My Personal Weight Loss Journey: The 70/30 Rule, Genetics, and Finding What Works for Me

My Personal Weight Loss Journey: The 70/30 Rule, Genetics, and Finding What Works for Me

Weight reduction and maintenance is a deeply personal journey, with each path influenced uniquely by individual circumstances and experiences. For me, the cornerstone of this journey has been a guiding principle: a 70/30 split between diet and physical activity, respectively, in managing weight. This ratio has become the blueprint for navigating my own lifestyle intricacies.

Balancing the obligations of a full-time job and having two school-aged children might make it difficult to find time for intensive exercise. Furthermore, my family's genetic card predisposes us to quick weight gain, especially when our diet is high in carbohydrates.

Despite these challenges, I was able to gain control of my weight. The use of MyFitnessPal for meal tracking has been a cornerstone of this strategy, ensuring that I only consume optimum daily calories based on my weight target and steering my dietary habits towards high-protein and low-calorie meals. Furthermore, despite the limits of my demanding schedule, developing a specific fitness plan has been critical.

Through this approach, the 70/30 doctrine not only mirrors my lifestyle, but also provides a viable strategy for overcoming personal and genetic hurdles. By deftly navigating these challenges, I've been successful in managing and maintaining a healthy weight.

Knowing My Ideal Calorie Intake

Understanding the correct daily calorie intake for weight loss or maintenance is an important part of our weight control journey. After determining my desired calorie intake, I began tracking my meals with the free version of MyFitnessPal. If you are not sure what your recommended calorie intake is, you can find out using our diet planner tool. Controlling the calorie consumption, in my opinion, is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. I understand that this viewpoint may be difficult for some to embrace. However, based on my personal experience, I can attest to its usefulness.

My Personal Experience with the "Fat Gene"

My family has a tendency to put on weight, especially when consuming a diet rich in carbohydrates. I noticed early on that an excessive intake of carbs would cause me to gain weight rapidly. This realization prompted a tough decision in my thirties: to reduce my consumption of grains and noodles and ramp up my protein intake. I must confess, the transition was challenging initially, given my fondness for bread. However, after a few weeks of adjustment, my body grew accustomed to a low-carb diet. Nowadays, even when I see my family enjoying delicious bagels from Panera Bread, I no longer experience an irresistible craving for bread. The only exception was during my pregnancy, when I indulged in my favorite multi-grain rice and bagels. Indeed, I did put on a fair amount of weight during that time!

Striking a Balance: High-Protein, Low-Carb and Intermittent Fasting

After a fair share of experiments with a variety of diet plans, I've discovered my own effective formula: a fusion of a high-protein, low-carb diet, and the 16/8 intermittent fasting approach. This dietary methodology, prioritizing protein and limiting carbs, along with my eating pattern confined to an 8-hour window, has been most successful for me.

This strategy is in perfect harmony with the 70/30 rule, which underscores that 70% of weight control efforts should concentrate on diet, and the remaining 30% on physical exercise. Not only does this approach help me maintain a healthy balance between my food intake and energy expenditure, but it also serves as a counterbalance to my inherent genetic disposition towards weight gain.

Additionally, the high-protein, low-carb regimen supports muscle growth and repair while the reduced carb intake minimizes the risk of sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. The intermittent fasting, on the other hand, allows my body a 'rest period' from digestion, which research suggests can support weight loss, improve metabolic health, and even extend lifespan. Together, these practices have been instrumental in shaping my weight management journey.

My Customized Exercise Routine

While exercise constitutes only 30% of my weight control strategy based on my personal experience, it remains a crucial component. After experimenting with various workout routines, I came to understand that weight training isn't something I naturally gravitate towards. The mere thought of lifting weights felt burdensome, causing me to gravitate towards cardio exercises for my workout routine instead.

Finding enjoyment in fitness is key, and for me, this means fast-paced jogging on the treadmill four times a week, each session lasting an hour. On other occasions, I indulge in hula hooping or engage in a lively Zumba dance along with my favorite instructor on YouTube. I also ensure to include a 10-minute rowing machine session for variety and balance.

Although these exercises might represent the smaller portion of the 70/30 rule, they are instrumental in maintaining my overall health and well-being. I've learned that it's not merely about the proportion but finding an exercise routine that brings joy and contributes positively to my health journey.


Embarking on the path of weight loss and maintenance is not just a physical journey but also a voyage of self-discovery. This journey leads us to the realization of what suits us best. For me, it has involved determining my ideal calorie intake, understanding my genetic predisposition, and designing the most effective diet plan, which I diligently monitor using MyFitnessPal. Furthermore, it's meant crafting an exercise routine that not only contributes to my health but is also enjoyable and sustainable.

Although demanding, these elements have been instrumental in shaping sustainable, healthy habits that I can maintain in the long term. I cannot stress enough the importance of consulting with a healthcare provider before making substantial changes to your diet or exercise routine, ensuring that these alterations are well-suited to your unique health needs.

Utilize handy tools like MyFitnessPal for an insight into your ideal calorie intake and for effective meal tracking. For those looking to further personalize their dietary approach, I invite you to explore our planner tool. It helps calculate your optimal daily calorie intake and design a personalized weekly meal plan that caters to your food preferences.

Embarking on this journey towards a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle may seem daunting, but remember that the road may be long and challenging, but the rewards are indeed plentiful. Here's to your journey and best of luck!

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates

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